Loft Conversion Neighbours Rights – What You Need to Know

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If you’re planning a loft conversion, you may be wondering what your obligations are in terms of your neighbours’ rights. Here’s what you need to know about loft conversions and neighbours’ rights.

Loft conversions are usually considered “Permitted Development,” which means you won’t need planning permission from your local council. However, if you live in a terraced or semi-detached property, you may need a Party Wall Agreement in place before you can start building work.

What is a Party Wall Agreement?

A Party Wall Agreement is a legal agreement between you and your neighbour that outlines the work you plan to undertake and how it may impact their property. The agreement will specify any conditions that must be met to protect your neighbour’s property from any damage that may occur during the building work.

What’s involved in a Party Wall Agreement?

The first step is to serve your adjoining neighbour with a Party Wall Act Notice. This notice will outline the scope of work you plan to undertake, and your neighbour has 14 days to respond. If they agree to the work, they will sign and return the notice to you. However, if they don’t agree or don’t respond within 14 days, you will need to appoint a Surveyor to produce a Party Wall Award.

The Party Wall Award will set out the terms of the agreement, including:

It’s essential to note that a Party Wall Agreement doesn’t replace the need for planning permission. You’ll still need to apply for this separately. However, if your neighbour objects to your plans, they can use the Party Wall Agreement to delay or stop the work from going ahead.

Our team of experts can help you navigate the Party Wall Agreement process, ensuring everything is in place before work begins. Contact us today for more information on how we can help with your loft conversion plans and neighbours’ rights.

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